Pensacola Boating Accident Lawyers

Boating accidents are second only to automobile accidents in transportation related causes of injury, and Florida leads the nation in the number of registered recreational vessels. Many boating accidents are the result of someone’s negligence — driver inattention, excessive speed, driver inexperience, reckless or careless operation, machinery failure, and alcohol are often factors in these type accidents.

Usually, the law of the state where the boating accident occurs applies — however, when injuries and deaths occur in “navigable waterways” federal admiralty law also applies, often controlling over Florida’s laws. Additionally, experts in such areas as boating rules and regulations, design and maintenance are required to help jurors understand the applicable laws and standards.

Because we focus our law practice on representing families of seriously injured or negligently killed individuals, our boating accident lawyers are able to quickly and effectively represent our clients. When it comes to water related accidents, we know the law and have the prior experience necessary. In 2002, Mike McLeod and Randy Thompson (as partners in Kerrigan Estess Rankin McLeod & Thompson) obtained an $8.3 million dollar jury verdict for the parents of two teen-aged children negligently killed by a high performance boater while they were riding a jet ski.

Your boat accident attorney must be familiar with and have experience in:

• Federal Admiralty Law
• The Jones Act
• Maritime Law
• Maritime Injuries

If you or a loved one has been injured in a boating or other watercraft incident, contact our boating accident lawyers today to schedule a free consultation.

Call us at (850) 444-4444 and get the knowledge and experience you need and deserve!

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