Pensacola Premises Liability Lawyers
Board-Certified Premises Liability Lawyers
Premises liability actually refers to any accident or injury that occurs on someone else’s property—whether in a commercial business (such as a grocery store), on private property (such as a neighbor’s home), or in a public space (such as a community pool)—as the result of dangerous or hazardous conditions.
Property owners are legally responsible for making sure their premises are safe. If they fail to address unsafe conditions (such as a slippery floor, an aggressive dog or exposure to toxic substances), they may be held liable for injuries and damages that occur as a result.
If you slip and fall or are otherwise injured as the result of hazardous conditions on someone else’s property, you can recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, as well as, pain and suffering. Contact McLeod & Thompson today to take care of your premises liability claim, including slip & fall accidents. We are available anytime. There is no fee to talk to us. We charge you nothing unless a recovery is made in your case.
“Slip & Fall” – the injuries can be quite serious
Premises liability (sometimes referred to as slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall) cases can be, and often are, serious. Beware of “warehouse” out-of-town firms that promise you a quick settlement. Premises liability accidents are not trivial. It only makes sense to seek out the best local legal representation you can find for your premises liability case. Experience tells us that serious injuries can result from slipping, tripping and falling on substances and from conditions that should not exist when property is reasonably maintained. Especially in a retail setting, where businesses invite customers to their property to shop, owners have a duty to maintain their premises in a condition reasonably safe for others. In recent years our slip & fall accident lawyers have regularly made substantial financial recoveries for clients injured in these types of accidents.
Attorney Randy Thompson has spent a great deal of his professional time representing people who have been injured in slip and fall and trip and fall cases. Until it happens to you, you probably don’t realize how serious your injuries can be. Among the injuries have been people who have shattered their shoulders and hips in falls and broken bones in both their legs and their arms. Slip and falls can be very devastating and the long term effects can be devastating. If you have questions about an injury you sustained while on someone else’s property, give us a call.
Types of Premises Liability Claims:
Amusement Park Accidents
Construction and Scaffold Accidents
Dangerous Crossing Accidents
Dog Bites
Fire and Explosions Resulting in Injuries
Injuries Occurring at Businesses
Injuries Occurring on Rental Properties
Machinery/Assembly Line Injuries
Negligent Security
Offshore Accidents
Renter’s Claim for Injuries
Slip & Fall Accidents
Dog Bites
Because of our experience handling many cases where people, especially children, are injured by dog bites, we have first-hand experience and knowledge about how severe these injuries can be. In Florida, the owner of a dog is strictly liable for injuries caused by their animal. Strict liability in this instance means that except for a few exceptions, when a dog bites someone, the owner is responsible for the injuries which result.
In the last 20 years, Randy Thompson has handled a number of dog bite cases. “What I know from my experience is that these dog bites can leave horrific injuries — both physical and mental, especially to young children. Often times the biggest problem is trying to find a source of payment for the medical bills and other damage associated with a particular dog bite incident. Is there insurance coverage on the owner of the dog? Or where the dog resides?” If you have questions regarding a dog bite case, please call the firm any time and talk to us.
Let our Board Certified Personal Injury Specialists work for you!