Pensacola Product Liability Lawyers

In a perfect world, everything we buy, use and come into contact with would be safe. Unfortunately, we live in the reality of lax regulations and companies that all too often choose to save a few pennies rather than ensure that their products will not cause harm. Defective and dangerous products, everything from children’s toys to medical devices, can cause serious injuries and even death.

Product liability refers to the legal liability a manufacturer or seller has for producing or placing a dangerous or injurious product in the hands of consumers who then sustain injury while using the product. Product liability may be due to a manufacturer mistake, or a dangerous product design, or failure to provide adequate warning. Damages or injuries suffered by you because of a product you used may be grounds for a product liability claim. In looking at the validity of your claim, ask these questions:

1) Does the product demonstrate an obvious defect?
2) Were you injured by the product or did you suffer loss or losses?
3) Did the product defect cause you injury?
4) Were you using the product as it was intended to be used?

Product liability cases are very expensive and difficult to bring to trial because we have to establish that the defect in the product is the result of negligent design or fabrication, and we then must prove that the defect caused the injury or death.

Past Experience with Product Liability

Over the last decades, the lawyers at McLeod & Thompson have pursued and prosecuted many product liability cases to trial. One particular case resulted in the redesign of construction crane equipment to prevent a repeat of the horrible injury our client suffered. These cases are difficult and require the expertise of engineers and investigators, all of which we have at our disposal.

If you have been injured by a dangerous or defective product, you may have a claim against the designer, manufacturer, distributors, retailers and marketers. Contact Mike McLeod & Randy Thompson today to take care of your product liability claim. Also, if possible, save any defective components or pieces of the product in question for further examination. Some examples of Product Liability:

Airbag Failure
Airbag Fracture/Shrapnel
Brake Failure
Dangerous Medications/Drugs
Dangerous/Defective Products

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